Friday, June 24, 2011

Do as I say!

I discovered this fantastic blog for all you Rexburg types! If you're ever curious about somewhere to eat, I found a knowledgeable food critic who has eaten everywhere! Go to next time you want to go out to eat!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Stupid Kids

Okay so my next two weeks are mega busy and I know everyone would be so disappointed if I did not write anything. So, if you do not hear from me in the next two weeks, know that I have a 1000 point Spanish test and it will be taking all of my waking hours. There is something here at this school that I have noticed and am  little tired of.  I have a lot of classes that you  can state your opinions, and what you think, and what you can do differently in the world.I love these classes, but the people in them are know it alls! Normally I am not against these things, and I would say I am pretty open minded,  but lately there are those kids that think that they know everything.They get all enthusiastic about how much they know and how much you do not know, and how much they know and are better than you. I really could care less abut your know it all comments, give me facts, and let me make my own opinions. I have absolutely no interest in what they have to say, and the sooner they realize this, the easier it will be for all of us.  The reason I am saying this is because there is this one kid in my class who is writing a book about all he knows about the world, which I am pretty sure is nothing. I have two classes with him, and he is one of those guys who tries to shove his beliefs down your throat. He starts his comments with " Well, the fact is" or in my interpretation " Well, I am a jerk who knows more than you stupid kids, and I am going to talk for 10 minutes about how much more I know than you!" Really dude?? I cannot tell you how many kids I have talked to lately that I want to stop them and just say " Hey I do not care" but I know that is rude. People also think I am really dumb. In Spanish class I say something that I know is right because I have been studying a lot, and they are like "Uh... NO that is not right." Then the teacher says the right answer and I want to tell them I was right and rub it into their faces. I do not do that because I am a  better person, and know gloating will do nothing. Not really I would say that, but sometimes I really am wrong and I do not want to ruin my reputation.  I actually have been trying to be a little nicer lately, but it is hard. When you have 19 years of rudeness to get over, it takes quite a bit of work, and I do not think I am ready for this. I have enjoyed most rude things I have ever said. I know that sounds wrong, but sometimes I think I am pretty clever with my rude behavior.Some of it was just plain rude, and lets be real here I probably should have kept that crap in my head.  However, I know that to get through life I need to be at least a little kind to others. So here is my goal kindness. I will only show my rudeness on this blog so that my readers will not suffer. It is not fair to make you suffer for my own purposes. This weekend we are leaving to Ogden, Utah because it is my sisters birthday. Chances are I will have something even better to blog later, so read on Sunday night if you so chose!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Super Power

Okay lets be honest here, every week it gets harder and harder to put thoughts down onto paper. I have a certain reputation and I cannot ruin that with a crappy post that actually talks about my life, even though this week that is exactly what I am going to do. We got free into the zoo and saw all the cute monkeys and the other animals that inhabit that zoo. It just so happens that I have nicknamed all my family members with an animal nickname. Alex my brother gets the owl because he is a know-it-all. Katey  my sister and her fiancee Ryan get the mouse because they both have small noses, and they look like little cute mouses, it just fits them. You have to see them to know. Mckenna my friend gets the giraffe because she has a freakishly long tongue and is taller than my brother.Molly who at the beginning was just a roommate and has moved into the family zone gets the goldfish because she remembers nothings. Sometimes we try to trick her and tell her that she did or said something when in truth she did none of it. SUCKA!!! I do not think Molly thinks it is so funny, but the rest of us do. Now, you cannot  forget about me. Although I did not name myself, because I would call myself the Hippogriff because I think those are awesome animals. But, no they nicknamed me the mule because I am very stubborn. It's true though,  I can be, just  ask the owl! In truth I have no idea where I came up with these animal nicknames but I have a certain power with nicknames, they just stick! It is quite a power, I could join the incredibles, or even the X-Men if I wanted to, but I chose to a regular schmuck, it is way better that way. But back to the original story, we had a blast at the zoo even though compared to so many other zoos I have been to the Idaho falls zoo was a baby zoo. Our adventures did not stop there, because  on Saturday we went to the ice caves and the civil defense caves, the only cool thing that is offered in Rexburg! It was seriously one of the coolest things I have ever done. We got to slide on our butts and try to fit through these tiny holes, and spelunk on very dangerous surfaces.I am definitely going again.In the caves it was freezing, and pitch black, but when we walked out it was bright and warm. While we are in this very dark and cold cave, we met up with these kids. There were twelve of them, and between the twelve of them they had about two brains. They had only brought one flashlight! Really??? That was the dumbest thing that they could have done. I bet they said " Hey lets go into a pitch black cave with only one flashlight, and wear shorts in a cave that has icicles hanging from the ceiling. " Good idea idiots. Enough about dumb kids,  that was not my last time in those caves, but it was the last time with crappy shoes. I am paying for it with pain in my body. My Bad!! But my life is full of adventures and the more dangerous the adventures are the more i love them.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tuesday, and the mishap!

So here I am supposed to be studying for a history midterm, but instead I am going to waste time  writing about something others do not necessarily care about. So we had an interesting week here in the Burg!! Not only does the Rexburg rain bring stinging coldness all the way down to your bones, but the wind gives a nice new layer onto your cheeks. I swear, if I had cheeks before, the wind  has made me look like a skeleton. Anywho, that is not even what I meant by our week in Rexburg, but I guess you just have to feel what we feel walking to class. So the other day my sister makes some oatmeal on the stove. Silly Katey thought she turned off the stove, but nope not really. She left it on! Good thing our hero Kenna took out a very hot cake pan and stuck it on the stove. Does anyone know what happens when this happen??? Well, I do!! It goes like this. McKenna goes up to her room to finish TV in her bat-cave. She hears this big crash, and what does she think? Someone must be home? False!!! The cake pan just exploded into many shards of glass all over our kitchen. These shards of glass were quite hot, and got burned into our kitchen floor.While all of this is happening, the cake is burning on the oven top! So McKenna calls Molly and I who are in our favorite class: Economics. I answer the phone than realize class is not over and the teacher is still talking. MY BAD! So I call her after class, and she says that something is on fire. I laugh because sometimes McKenna is very over-dramatic  She will say things like "Karey you ate all of my cereal." I say " do not be over dramatic, there are still two spoonfuls left!" See what I mean?? But back to the story! So I say " Molly she is not joking" and Molly and I start walking faster! Oh yeah during this whole time there is smoke pouring into our house, so when we walk in it smells like we smoke. We clean everything up, and everything looks normalish now. However, I will say that it smells like we smoke. So lets just say Tuesday was very eventful.  Reminder for all of you who want to start fires in your house, make sure you keep your windows open so that you too do not smell like smoke. Alright, have a good memorial day, and roast your hot dogs outside.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My mom thinks I'm pretty!

You know when people ask you what your talents are?? So many people sing their own accolades.  Have you ever met someone who only wants to talk about how great they are at something.? "I can sing." "I can dance."  "My favorite sport is basketball and I am soo good at it." Well all I have to say is what about those of us who got fired from piano? How about those of us who receive numerous compliments from our moms? Aren't we worth something too? Forgive us for having no concrete talent, but I can laugh you all silly! My butt is probably the biggest white girl butt for miles, but do I get rewards, or scholarships? Heck tot he no! Oh and whats with all those people sayin that their talent is kissing? Really, who really is that great? Come kiss me, I will be the judge. I bet the only thing those "good kissers" are good at are having lips. Whoo Hoo I have lips too!! You know what my lips are made for? They are made for eating, and let me tell you they are soo good at that. Anyway to all you talentful kids who like to wipe their shoes with us talentless fools you should just keep your crappy talents, and your crappy awards because tonight I get to eat cake and watch you work your butt off for all your talents. Guess what chumps, I am good at nothing, and happy. I have no formal responsibility and can sit all day watching whatever the heck I want. Now, for all you who say dang this girl must be fat, let me tell you something, you are false! Tune in later for something else that is really random. From Love!